
(posted on 2 May 2019)

It's taken quite a while to complete my latest painting; in fact, it's not yet done!  i'm just putting the finishing touches on a picture called "Coastal Fog".  I was inspired by a recent exhibition of Impressionists' works at the AGO - called Impressionism in the Age of Industry.  I love the use of dabs of paint, where it is easy to see the impression that the artist wanted to convey - very direct, almost aggressive.  Acrylic is made for that kind of style, where you can dab away and continually add to quick drying areas of the canvas.  My painting, while not being exactly impressionistic, nevertheless uses a similar approach to conveying a place and point in time.  Fog over the cliffs as viewed from Icart Point.  Coming soon to a website near to you- this one.